Javni pozivi za angažovanje stručnih lica i firmi na projektu

Independent Verification Agent for Disbursement Linked Indicator

Request for expressions of interest consulting services – Individual consultant
Terms of Reference
Request for expressions of interest consulting services – Individual consultant
Request for expressions of interest consulting services – Individual consultant – extended deadline

Consultant for Strengthen institutional capacity for performance management

Request for expressions of interest consulting services – Individual consultant
Terms of Reference

Social and Citizen Engagement Specialist

Request for expressions of interest consulting services – Individual consultant
Terms of reference – Social and Citizen Engagement Specialist
Request for expressions of interest consulting services – Individual consultant – extended deadline
Request for expressions of interest consulting services – Individual consultant – extended deadline
Request for expressions of interest consulting services – Individual consultant – extended deadline

Contract Awards

Contract award website - Consultant for the development of Guidelines on Inclusion of Green Aspects into Public Policy Documents
Contract Award - Consultant for the Green Project coordination
Contract Award - Bid/Contract Reference No: SER-IPFMGT-IC-CS-23-02
Contract Award - Bid/Contract Reference No: SER-IPFMGT-IC-CS-23-01-1
Contract Award - Bid/Contract Reference No: SER-IPFMGT-IC-CS-23-01-2

Slične teme

Operacija „Unapređenje upravljanja javnim finansijama za zelenu tranziciju“

Žalbeni mehanizam Operacije „Unapređenje upravljanja javnim finansijama za zelenu tranziciju