Department for Fiscal Risks Monitoring
Sanja Putnik - Acting Assistant Minister
Tel: +381 11 765 2292
Department for Fiscal Risks Monitoring performs research and analytical work related to: preparation and creation of Fiscal Risk Reports, performs professional tasks related to: analysis of fiscal risks arising from the operations of the republic public enterprises, companies that perform activities of general interest and other state enterprises, through annual business programs, development programs, quarterly business reports, financial reports, audit reports; preparation of analyses related to the operations of public companies and their impact on macroeconomic stability, economic growth and public finances; participation in drafting laws and proposals for other regulations related to public companies; periodic preparation of reports on the operations of public enterprises in accordance with the assumed obligations towards international financial institutions; cooperation in the preparation of sections for the Fiscal Strategy for the next mid-term period; periodic monitoring of the status and trends of obligations covered by state guarantees, in cooperation with the Public Debt Administration; analysis of risks related to local self-government budgets and public-private partnerships; further development and improvement of the Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance Program, as well as accompanying activities from the Action Plan in cooperation with the Public Investment Management Office; risk analysis related to the consequences of natural disasters and their financial effects on the national and local self-government budgets; risk analysis related to other potential liabilities not previously mentioned (court disputes, etc.); periodic preparation of reports on existing and potential fiscal risks; provision of necessary information for the preparation of strategic documents of the Government (ERP, ESRP, PFM, etc.); cooperation and coordination with other ministries, institutions, state administration bodies, public and other enterprises where the state appears as a (co)owner, as well as with internal units within the Ministry of Finance; coordination of work with the relevant ministry regarding the collection of innovative proposals related to capital projects, giving opinions on the financial aspects of capital projects; preparing a proposal for a list of capital projects for the Commission for the Management of Capital Investments; evaluates previous feasibility studies and feasibility studies in order to give an opinion on the suitability of the project; providing an expert opinion on the economic-financial aspect of revised previous feasibility studies as well as feasibility studies; monitors the preparation of capital projects in terms of meeting the conditions for financing; evaluates the readiness of project documentation; prepares a list of ready Capital Projects and submits it to the Commission for Capital Investments for approval, arranges the procedure of preparation and registration of capital projects by competent ministries and their unification; gives instructions for the preparation of the budget, in the part related to the procedure for proposing capital projects; monitors and analyzes capital projects, prepares reports on the monitoring of capital projects, gives expert opinions on legal and by-laws, as well as on international contracts and agreements that assume capital projects in their implementation; participation in processes related to the professional development of civil servants in the Sector.
The tasks are performed within the following smaller internal units of the Department for Fiscal Risks Monitoring:
1. Public Sector Operations Fiscal Risk Monitoring Group
2. Other Fiscal Risk Monitoring Group
3. Capital Projects Evaluation and Monitoring Division