Internal units outside the Department, the Secretariat and the Minister's Cabinet

Public Relation Unit performs tasks related to: preparation of representatives of the Ministry for public appearances; review of daily press, professional magazines and electronic media; acting on requests for free access to information of public importance and preparation of the Information Booklet on the work of the Ministry in accordance with the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance; selection and classification of opinions for the "Bulletin" publication; uploading content to the Ministry's website; performs protocol affairs in the Ministry, as well as other tasks in this field.

Internal Audit Unit performs tasks related to: system audit; business performance audit; financial audit and compliance with regulations audit; audit of all business processes and organizational units of the Ministry, including the audit of pre-accession IPA funds of the European Union, applying the regulations of the Republic of Serbia, International Public Sector Internal Audit Standards, Code of Ethics of Internal Auditors.

Anti-Fraud Coordination Service Unit in the Handling of EU Financial Resources (AFCOS) performs tasks related to: taking all measures and activities aimed at protecting the financial interests of the European Union and the Republic of Serbia; coordination of legal, operational and technical cooperation, as well as the exchange of data on irregularities and cases of suspected fraud with competent institutions of the Republic of Serbia, as well as with the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and other competent institutions of the European Commission; organizing and/or conducting administrative checks of reported irregularities and suspected fraud; gathering information for the initiation of procedures by competent institutions in order to sanction irregularities and abuses in the handling of European Union financial resources, as well as providing professional and logistical support to OLAF on the territory of the Republic of Serbia; identifying weaknesses in national systems for managing European Union financial resources; monitoring the course of investigations and court proceedings in connection with cases of suspected fraud in the handling of European Union financial resources and reporting them to OLAF; supporting the work of the Network for Combating Fraud and Managing Irregularities in the Handling of European Union Financial Resources (AFCOS Network) and exchanging data on irregularities and suspected fraud in the handling of European Union financial resources with members of the AFCOS Network; managing the process of creating national strategies and action plans for the protection of the financial interests of the European Union and monitoring their implementation; coordination of activities regarding the harmonization of national regulations with the regulations of the European Union regarding the protection of the financial interests of the European Union; analysis and risk management in order to prevent irregularities and fraud in the handling of European Union financial resources; organization of trainings in order to protect the financial interests of the European Union; participation in the relevant negotiation groups of the Republic of Serbia in the process of negotiations on accession to the European Union in accordance with established competences.  

In the Anti-Fraud Coordination Service Unit in Handling of EU Financial resources the following smaller internal units are formed, namely:

1. Risk Management and Selection of Reported Irregularities Group
2. Suspicions of Fraud and Reported Irregularities Handling Group
3. Research and Analytical Task Group


The Secretariat

Macroeconomic and Fiscal Projections and Analyses Department

Budget Department