Tobacco Administration

Slobodan Erdeljan, Director

The Tobacco Administration is responsible for the following tasks:

1. verifying that relevant requirements have been fulfilled and issuing licenses for production, processing, import and export of tobacco or processed tobacco;

2. verifying that relevant requirements have been fulfilled and issuing licenses for trade (wholesale trade, retail trade, import and export) in tobacco products;

3. verifying that relevant requirements have been fulfilled for cigarettes of other producers which are considered to be cigarettes produced in Serbia, in line with regulations that define excise matters;

4. keeping registers and records lists;

5. keeping records related with production, processing and trade of tobacco and processed tobacco, and production and trade of tobacco products;

6. cooperating with bodies and organizations responsible for combating illegal trade in tobacco products;

7. monitoring market situation concerning production, processing and trade of tobacco, processed tobacco and tobacco products;

8. monitoring public tender procedure for granting license for production of tobacco products and preparing draft document granting the license, evaluating fulfillment of requirements for renewal or revocation of license for production of tobacco products and preparation of draft document renewing or revoking the license;

9. handling announcement of decisions about registration in the registers, which are kept in line with the Tobacco Law, and issues proof that producer or importer of tobacco products has reported retail prices of the tobacco products to the Administration;

10. participating in preparation of bylaws for implementation of the Tobacco Law;

11. executing other tasks in line with law.

Visit Tobacco Administration Website 


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