Free Zones Administration
Jasmina Štambuk, Director
The Free Zones Administration shall conduct the following activities:
1) Related to the development of zones, consistent with the interest of the state:
– Implement the national policy for zones development for the purpose of increasing the inflow of direct investments and employment of labor;
– Participate in drafting the legislation concerning the zone operation;
– Consider the applications for approval of the designation of the area of the zone and submit its opinion to the ministry in charge of finance;
– Initiate and coordinate with competent state authorities the consideration of the matters of specific expertise concerning the operations in the zones, for the purpose of proper implementation of this Law and ensuring its compliance with regulations of Serbia;
– Organize and coordinate the cooperation between the competent state authorities, the zone management company, the interested investors, and the users;
– Provide the expert assistance to the investors in the process of decisionmaking on investing in the zones;
– Provide the expert assistance to investors and zone management companies at all stages of the implementation of programs in the zones;
– Organize direct contacts between the interested investors and zone management companies;
– Provide expert assistance to the interested investors in the development of their programs in the zones;
– Cooperate with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and other non-profit and voluntary organizations;
– Cooperate with foreign institutions and experts, in respect of the zones;
– In cooperation with the zone management companies, create the environment favoring the development of infrastructure in the zones.
2) Related to the promotion of zones:
– Cooperate with the Serbian Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SIEPA) with regard to the promotion of investment and operations in the zones, through presentation of special benefits and business opportunities in accordance with the plan and program adopted by the ministry in charge of finance;
– Inform the investors about the advantages of investing in the zones;
– Create and update the database on the zones and the advantages of business operations in Serbia, in cooperation with SIEPA.
3) Related to the control and supervision of zones:
– Consider the reports on zones operation and propose their adoption to the ministry in charge of finance;
– Propose to the minister in charge of finance the form and content of the form sheet for the application for approval of the designation of the area of the zone, the business operation and control of the operation of zones and users, for the purpose of harmonizing procedures in all zones in Serbia;
– Propose to the competent state authorities additional measures of control of business operation in the zones, if necessary.