Regulation on General Conditions for the Issuance and Sale of Long-term Government Securities on the International Financial Market (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 4/2013)

1. Main provisions

Article 1

This Regulation shall define general conditions for the issuance and sale of long-term government securities issued by the Republic of Serbia on the international financial market (hereinafter referred to as: “bonds”).

Within the meaning of this Regulation, bonds shall be long-term securities issued by the Republic of Serbia on the international financial market in a foreign or domestic currency, with the aim of financing budget deficit, refinancing public debt, financing investment projects, as well as executing obligations based on provided guarantees.

The issuance of bonds referred to in paragraph 2 hereof shall be executed up to the limit defined by the Law regulating the budget of the Republic of Serbia for the current year.

The Decision on the issuance of bonds shall be taken by the Government.

Regulation on General Conditions for the Issuance and Sale of Long-term Government Securities on the International Financial Market (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 4/2013)


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