Decree on Application of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (“Official Gazette of the RS”, Nos. 49/2010 and 63/2016) – consolidated text by the Treasury Administration

Pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 75 of the Budget System Law ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No. 54/09),

The Government has adopted


The Decree was published in "Official Gazette of RS", no. 49 from 21 July 2010, 63 from 15 July 2016

Article 1

The International Public Sector Accounting Standards shall apply to keeping books of account and preparation, presentation, submission and disclosure of financial statements of the direct and indirect beneficiaries of budget funds, beneficiaries of compulsory social insurance organizations’ funds, the Republic of Serbia budget funds and the budget funds of autonomous regions and local self-government units (hereinafter: local authorities), starting from January 1, 2011.

By exception to the provision of paragraph 1 of this Article, in terms of financial reporting, the International Public Sector Accounting Standards shall apply starting from preparation, presentation, submission and disclosure of the annual balance sheets, or financial statements of beneficiaries of budget funds, beneficiaries of compulsory social insurance organizations’ funds, the Republic of Serbia budget funds and budget funds of local authorities, as well as budget funds of the Republic of Serbia and local authorities for 2010.

Decree on Application of International Public Sector Accounting Standards ("Official Gazette of the RS", Nos. 49/2010 and 63/2016) – consolidated text by the Treasury Administration


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