Reform Plan For Tax Administration In One Month

BELGRADE – In a month’s time, the relevant authorities will complete a plan for the overhaul of the Tax Administration and Action Plan for implementing the reform that will not be taxpayer-oriented, Minister of Finance Dusan Vujovic said on Thursday.

There has been an improved collection of VAT and excise duties since the start of the year, he noted, voicing satisfaction with the result.

“I hope that next time we will be able to present to foreign investors a better coordination of the Tax Administration,” the minister said at a conference titled “Reality Check” organized by the Foreign Investors Council, adding that the new law on fees is in the works.

The working group is already drafting the bill.

“We will try to establish a more transparent system, which will include all 348 fees in the list that will be available on the government’s website,” Vujovic said.

The estimate of the economic growth has been amended, from the initial minus 1.1 percent and minus 0.5 percent of GDP to zero percent at least, Vujovic said, adding that it had been expected that cuts in public sector salaries and pensions would cause a recession, but that had been averted as private sector salaries increased.

Source: InSerbia News


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