Government plans to enhance investment in Serbia

Serbian Minister of Finance Mladjan Dinkic said today that investments in Serbia will continue and announced that there will be a higher growth of investment if the political situation in the country is more stable.

Dinkic visited the construction site of a new plant of Golden Lady and spoke with Italian investors who are investing in the plant and informed them about the plans of the state to motivate investors by reducing taxes and contributions on employees’ salaries as well as by giving employment incentives for those under 30 and older than 45.

Representatives of the Italian company announced that the production will start by the end of the year, by which time a 30,000 square metre hall should be built for 500 workers.

In May this year, Golden Lady bought property of Loznica’s construction firm Zidar in bankruptcy since May 2004.

The Italian company, which manufactures socks, stockings and underwear has another plant in Valjevo.


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